RTI’s VanishPoint Syringe is easy to use, requires no additional steps, and allows for single-handed, passive activation. After retraction, it requires less disposal space and prevents disposal-related needlestick injuries. It is available in various sizes, and with a variety of needle gauges and lengths.
The EasyPoint Retractable Needle features automated pre-removal retraction that has made RTI products the industry standard (and with added versatility). This product can be used with luer lock, luer slip, or pre-filled syringes.
The VanishPoint U-100 Insulin Syringe is available in 0.5mL and 1mL sizes with 5mm, 8mm, and 12.7mm length needles. It provides an optimum view of the syringe scale, promoting preparation ease and accurate dose delivery.
The EasyPoint Blood Collection Tube Holder with Needle allows for in-vein activation, which effectively reduces exposure to the contaminated needle. The entire needle is covered when retracted.
The VanishPoint Blood Collection Set provides automated in-vein retraction and one-handed activation, effectively reducing the risk of needlestick injuries. Upon needle retraction, the tubing is clamped, reducing the risk of exposure to blood.
The VanishPoint IV Catheter utilizes RTI’s patented automated retraction. This IV catheter is easy to use, and it allows for one-handed activation. Unlike IV catheters from other manufacturers, RTI’s does not require additional components such as sliding sheaths, metal clips, or activation buttons.